Thursday, 31 May 2012

Day 1

Yes, I have shared my predicaments over waking up early in the morning especially when I've been sleep deprived. I guess the fact that this topic makes an appearance again just goes to show how difficult and equally important that first step is, everyday.

So having decided to pull myself together and get back on track I figured the first thing to do was go back to sleeping early and having early starts. Thats way I can fit in a morning walk and space out my meals to fit in breakfast. (I'm usually sleeping through breakfast time and then struggle to find the time to include all meals)

Anyway, with that in mind I put my phone on silent, switched off the telly and lights and tucked myself to bed by 11.00 pm last night. I was happy that I'd get the complete recommended dose of 8 hour sleep. I didn't realise then that my body had other plans.

At around 1.00 am I realised I was still fully awake.  I had been up trying to prepare a list of things I'd like to do on my upcoming holidays. (mentally, of course)  My goals and how I was going to get there and other such thoughts kept me occupied. I realised I had to sleep so I tried counting sheep, focussing on my breathing, pretending I'll be shot if I moved and even got up to have a warm cup of milk. The tryptophan in milk helps induce sleep. Our great grandparents knew this ages ago...! (Probably didn't know the name of the amino acid, is my guess)

Did all of that and the last time I remember looking at the time was 3.00 am. Next thing I recall is hearing the alarm go and hitting the snooze button. Before I knew it I had "snoozed" for almost an hour. That's when I thought I may as well switch off the alarm and sleep properly. I had missed my morning walk time anyway.

Now, choosing sleep over morning walk especially when you are sleep deprived is very easy. I am not in the military or any such place that demands a high level of discipline. I am my own monitor. I can easily convince myself that I'll go for a walk in the evening or make up for it with extra time at the gym. That will probably allow me to sleep guilt free. With similar thoughts playing on my mind I decided to switch off my alarm and sleep.

Must've slept all of 2 minutes when I started hearing everyone get ready for breakfast. I found myself talking to myself. "If I sleep in now I'll wake up late. Again tonight I'll be chasing sleep. Tomorrow again I will be sleep deprived. I will have another day of disrupted eating patterns. If I've decided to change that, I have to change that from today, from now!" With that final thought I got out of bed and washed my face.

At the breakfast table I was greeted by surprised faces all around. No one was expecting me to wake up on my own. I felt great about myself. I was even more awake now. After breakfast I had enough time to finish my daily chores, reading and even had time to learn how to make a cold cake-ish dessert with my mum. Whether it can be called a cake is totally questionable.... ;)

While I reflect over todays events I realise how we are given the choice of which attitude we are going to adopt daily. Our choice can have a cascading effect throughout the day. Like mine did today.
Ok, so I missed the walk but I ate right, drank plenty of water and even managed to fit in exercise.

Now I'm looking forward to the sweet sleep I am going to enjoy tonight.

Till we meet tomorrow, choose wisely... :)

Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Procrastination's a _ _ _ _ _

In my bid to maintain a 'G' rating of the content on my blog I'm trying to keep away from using swear words. I couldn't find a better title for this post so I just decided to let you come up with a word that could fill the blanks... ;)

Moving on....

Have you ever thought of doing something and caught yourself saying, "it can wait"?
You go back to it and think, "Maybe tomorrow"?
Multiple such tomorrows later you are now telling yourself, "I've delayed it so much now that it doesn't make any difference when I do it."

Before you know it a considerable amount of time has lapsed and you've either totally scrapped that task from your 'to do list' or its still making an appearance at the bottom of your priorities. In my opinion, if it's still making an appearance in your thoughts it means it's bloody important and about time you give it the attention it demands.

I'm sure with me back in this space you've already figured what I'm talking about. For those not clued in yet, my last post was in March! March! Can you believe it?! and this is despite the very public commitment to keep posting about my progress. Seriously, March...!!!! And it's almost June now!!!

Not a single day has gone by when I've not thought about posting about my progress or lack of. Not a single day has gone by when I've not felt guilty about not honouring my own commitments. As a natural human, I've cooked up many excuses to explain this lapse.

Now, if there's one thing I've learnt about setting goals and going after them is that you do not allow room for excuses. You recognise excuses and nip them in the bud. Excuses are a way of convincing yourself that the goal is not worth the effort and giving up on them. So in my effort to be at a zero tolerance level for excuses, I'm going to trash all the excuses I've cooked up and not offer a single one for the negligence on my part.

Anyway,  in my previous post I promised a progress update and here 'tis;

Weight loss since March:      Zero
Inch loss since March:          8.5 inches overall

Not totally ecstatic about the results but still I've moved forward.
Hoping things will get better from here on.

So, is there something you've been putting off for later? What excuses are you making to avoid it?

Before signing out, I'd like to share a quote I came across earlier today.

"Better to do something imperfectly than to do nothing flawlessly"

Till we meet again, adios. xo