Before I begin with anything, I want to apologise. I went missing again. This time I was traveling and carried my laptop with me so I didn't miss a daily post. I just couldn't put the words together. Its combination really. A family who just wont understand what "personal time" is and me getting too caught in the language I use. I kept editing and re-editing and then I finally felt it doesn't feel sincere anymore and so I just discarded it.
One thing that's important to me and I have been very careful about when posting anything on here is making sure its straight from my heart. And so I guess, till it starts to get easier to put feelings into words and becomes a natural process a few delays may be expected, initially at least.
So anyway what made me write today?
A couple of days back, a friend posted a link that I simply loved. Here's the link.
Why did I love it?
It spoke about how love and respect are important ingredients for any relationships. More importantly, it took me back to 1998 when I'd just joined a new school after having spent over a decade in a boarding school.
The first couple of weeks were painful. Whilst trying to find my feet in a completely new environment I had to put up with boys who found an easy target in me. I was easily bullied then and as far as I remember I went home crying for the first two weeks. I know its hard to imagine that especially if you know me today. But it happened.
I'd complain to the teachers and they'd just let it slide as "kids being kids" or "boys being boys" or my best "you're just being too sensitive"
Obviously my parents didn't like me coming home in tears. I didn't have my friends around me. My younger sister was also missing from the picture. They were the people I went to when I had such problems in the past. My parents were my only friend and they decided that something had to change. They sat me down and said, "next time someone harasses you, give them a fitting reply. If you get into trouble with your teachers or principal, we'll come and speak with them."
I don't know what happened after that talk. I never came home crying since.
While reading that post earlier this week I realised how their words and actions told me how much they loved me. More importantly how much love and respect I deserved as a person and how anything different was unacceptable. They also made me aware of the strong support system they had going for me and my sister.
Thanks to the realisation, I owe it to their love to never accept anything less.
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