All sleepy eyed I got myself to the table for my morning chai. I saw a copy of the Baroda Times lying there with the headline, ‘I have a saggy bum, cellulite’. There was a picture of Sonam Kapoor next to it and so I decided to continue reading. The interview was pretty candid and it felt like she was just pouring her heart out.
Interesting thing was prior to her celebrity status excess weight was an issue. Post her celebrity status her saggy bits and cellulite is the issue. Saggy skin and cellulite! A Fashionista! Featured on the cover of every magazine! Ok... I better calm down. *deep breathing*
Phew! you see, there’s no such thing as perfect. Even the most sought after fashionista is flawed. Only difference is, her flaws don't appear on the surface, thanks to a team of highly skilled professionals. Even the universe isn’t perfect anymore, what with all the global warming and s*** (let’s not get started on that topic for now)
Why are we so caught up trying to be 'perfect' all the time? By perfect I mean trying to fit other people’s idea of who we should be that we often forget who we really are. I know I’ve fallen prey to that so many times to the extent where I've felt suffocated. Not knowing something as basic as my favourite colour....!
While I was suffocating on the inside, I stumbled upon How I Met Your Mother and was introduced to Barney. His awesomeness started to brush off on me. It suddenly became very clear to me that there is no such thing as 'perfect'. Never will be. I will never have the ideal height, weight, skin, hair, shoes, clothes etc. All that is relative. What I do have is the ability to choose my attitude.
If you're caught in a similar situation, do yourself a favour. Stop trying to fit into other people’s idea of you. Be yourself. Do those things that make you happy. That make you sleep better at night. You are Awesome the way you are. Believe in it and nothing but awesomeness will follow… I promise. :)
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